I started triathlons 6 years ago, from pretty much no fitness at all. I thought I could swim, I hadn’t run since being in school and my only exercise was commuting to work on my bike.
I’d entered the ballot for the London Olympic Triathlon and got in. I HAD TO learn to run, eeeeeekk! So as an escape from work I’d go for a run in my lunch break.
Started with a 2 minute jog and 1 minute walk within 5 months I had built this to the 10km run I needed to finish in the race. 6 years on I have finished an Ironman.
My appreciation and love for running has been like a turbulent relationship….; tears, doubt, self belief(or disbelief), super highs, low lows, seeking support.
By creating this opportunity and opening myself to new things I learned to love running…. outdoors, connecting with the earth and nature is a moment in time. Also making lifetime friends.
It gives me energy, feeling my heart thumping, my feet crashing to the earth and air blowing on my skin. In winter months the crisp air clouds with each breath and I feel alive. In the summer, sweat trickles down my back and forehead and helps me appreciate the present, which can be pretty tough living in the big Smoke.
We hate what we’re not good at, so if you’re not good at running or can’t… YOU CAN!!!! You require 3 things practice, commitment and belief.
If I’ve not convinced you yet, here are the health benefits of running;
Improves cardiovascular system for a healthy strong heart (which will keep you alive for longer)
It’s a killer fat burner and keeps burning calories up to 40 minutes after your workout
It’s cheap
You can buy some really cool running gear from Nike and my recent fav Bellum Active
It’s a form of meditation and an opportunity to switch off from everyday stresses
It’s meeeeeee time!
It’s a killer workout for your legs and core
You will create the opportunity to join a club, meet like-minded people and make new lifelong friends
You still wondering what the secret to enjoying running is..? There isn’t a magic answer I’m afraid. Its what works for you. For me it was the discovery of running outdoors, along the Thames path, in Richmond Park and trail running, joining Ful-On Triathlon Club, making new friends, buying new run kit. For others it may be running on a treadmill. The better you get at it (like with anything) the more you will enjoy it. Just stick with it and set goals.
If you’re just getting started or a mutual lover of runner share your thoughts, favourite places you run.