Will I get my body back? is the most frequent question I get from women after they’ve had a baby. Every woman has their own birth story and life story. I’d love to say yes but the answer is given the dedication, correct exercises, the right eating, focus and consistency you most probably will.
The stronger you are throughout your pregnancy the more likely you will bounce right back. As soon as you find out you are pregnant these are the things to do:
- keep as active and mobile as possible
- focus on strength work as oppose to high impact
- Work your posterior chain strong ie glutes, back, shoulders
- Treat your body well
- Listen to your body
- Eat well and don’t stuff your face with sugar or empty calories
Post-partem you’ll be tired from sleepless nights, you may be breastfeeding with pregnancy hormones still in your system affecting your joints and you just won’t enjoy it because you won’t be able to run as you did and this will demotivate you. Besides all you’ll want to do is stretch and appreciate some ‘me’ time.
5 Steps To Safe Exercise After Pregnancy:
- Get the all clear from your doctor
- Set realistic goals and start small. Maybe start out with your nct group as you’ll all be in the same boat
- Integrate exercises from your posterior chain ie back, glutes, shoulders to realign your body
- Don’t start with high impact sports. Exercise with mindfulness i.e. know which muscle groups you are using when performing an exercise.
- Take your time and be patient, you will get there!
You don’t need to go hard on every training session. Your aim at this point is really to lengthen, strengthen and tone to improve form and everyday functional movement and this is what will make the difference.
With the right support network, self belief and commitment you can take those first steps back to exercise and be that Yummy Mummy!