At FitnessBells HQ, we’ve been feeling the buzz from the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii. A true display of athleticism, determination and passion. How cool is that to race in one of the most iconic holiday destinations in the World.
Triathlon is no doubt a popular sport, in 2018 there were around 150,000 committed active racing triathletes in the UK (Triathlon Industry Assciation) with races accessible all over the Country and Globally. We’re not going to tell you to go sign up for the big one straight away but there are plenty of shorter distances to get you started. Our Founder Annabel is BIG on triathlons and has competed in some of the toughest races across Europe. She has come up with our top 5 reasons why you should sign up to your first triathlon:
- Challenge yourself
When was the last time you challenged yourself? Putting yourself out of our comfort zone builds confidence, increases productivity and helps suppress those depression demons. It allows us to push ourselve physically and mentally beyond what we ever thought possible. *Feel comfortable with being uncomfortable*
2. Community and friendships
Triathlon’s bring people together from different ages, backgrounds and abilities. Whether you’re training with a friend/colleague, a triathlon club or enjoying cycling (and coffee/cake..) at the weekend. Big kudos to Ful-on Triathlon Club. It’s a super friendly and supportive group. The races themselves are social and you’ll often find the same people within the triathlon circuit. You never know, you may find love too…..
3. Be the Fittest you’ve ever been
There’s no doubt that triathlons require a lot of training due to it being a multi-discipline endurance race. Of course, the cardiovascular aspect is one of the important components but equally strength and conditioning is crucial too. Not only will it help improve your power output, improving your times and making your more efficient but it also reduces the risk of injury.
4. Stay Motivated
With a race date to aim for and a game plan in place (we can help with this) there are no excuses to not get that training session done. Aim for a certain time or distance, you’ll have a goal in mind and something to hold yourself accountable for, especially on those wet, dark cold winter runs…. The variety of running, swimming and cycling will also make sure you stay interested in your training too.
5. It’s Fun!
The most important thing, if you enter with the right mindset and attitude training and triathlons are fun. Enjoy the experience! Go wild, get your hair messy. Look great in a wetsuit. Be yourself!!!!!!
2019 Kona Championship winner Daniela Ryf paves the way for most inspirational women. Imagine crossing that finish line….